Avda. Fernández Latorre, 5
15006 A Coruña
Tf. 981 255 210
Tm. 629 889 001
e-mail: info@distributionartbooks.com
International Distribution
List of specialized bookstores
Librairie Flammarion dans le Center Pompidou.
Paris 75163. Tel.: 01-44781622
Kappa Bookstore. Piazza Borghesse, 6
Rome 00186. Tel.: 06.6790356
Mexico: GANDHI bookstores
Gandhi Fine Arts Bookstore. Av. Juarez, #4 center
Mexico DF 06050. Tel.: 01 800 426 3440
The Netherlands:
Architecture & Nature. Leliegracht 22
amsterdam 1015 DG. Tel. 20-6236186
Nai booksellers. Museumpark 25
Rotterdam 3015 CB Tel. 10-4401203
Arcadia Bookstore. Store 17, Calle Alcanfores, 295.
Lime Miraflores 15074. Tel.: +51 1 24173467
Serralves Museum Library. Rua D. João de Castro, 210
Porto 4150-417. Tel.: 226 156 575
Livraria Almedina Modern Art Center. Rua Dr. Nicolau Bettencourt, 8
Lisbon 1050-078. Tel.: 217 972 441
United Kingdom:
RIBA Bookshop. 66 Portland Place
london W1n 4ad. Tel. 0171-2510791
United States:
William Stout, Architectural Books. 804 Motgomery Street
San Francisco Ca. 94133. Tel. 415-3916757
Distribution in Spain
List of specialized bookstores
Cilsa. Italy, 6
Alicante 03003. Tel.: 96 512 23 55
Compás University Bookstore. Ed. University Services Center. University of Alicante
Alicante 03080. Tel.: 96 590 93 90
Arquitienda Cooperative. Martínez Campos, 29
Almeria 04002. Tel.: 950 28 05 29
Central Llibretera del Raval. Elizabeth, 6
Barcelona 08001. Tel.: 93 317 02 93
Jordi Capell Cooperative. Pl. Nova, 5
Barcelona 08002. Tel.: 93 481 35 62
Diaz de Santos. Balmes, 417-419
Barcelona 08022. Tel.: 93 212 86 47
Laie CCCB. Montalegre 5
Barcelona 08001. Tel.: 93 481 38 86
Laie Pau Claris. Pau Claris 85
Barcelona 08010. Tel.: 93 318 17 39
Architecture Technical Stationery. Diagonal, 649
Barcelona 08028. Tel.: 93 448 34 61
Binary Books. Iparraguirre, 9 Bis
Bilbao 48009 (Vizcaya). Tel.: 94 424 23 91
Camera Bookstore. Euskalduna, 6
Bilbao 48008 (Vizcaya). Tel.: 94 422 19 45
Arq.Co Cooperative. Teaching, 4
Castellon 12001. Tel.: 964 22 19 04
Oretania Soc. Coop. Ltda. Carlos López Bustos, 3
Real city 13003. Tel.: 926 27 16 30
Couceiro Libraries. Outeiro Round, 132
To Coruña 15007. Tel.: 981 23 84 59
FNAC. Plaza de Lugo, s/n
To Coruña 15004. Tel.: 981 21 50 00
Arenas Bookstore. Small Canton, 25
To Coruña 15003. Tel.: 981 22 24 42
Couceiro Bookstore. Enrique Dequit, 12
To Coruña 15005. Tel.: 981 26 63 77
Formats Library. Fernandez Latorre, 5
To Coruña 15006. Tel.: 981 25 52 10
Lume Bookstore. Fernando Macias, 3
To Coruña 15004. Tel.: 981 26 34 08
Maside Bookstore. Picavia, 10
To Coruña 15004. Tel.: 981 22 30 80
Bookstore Nos. Plaza do Libro, 1
To Coruña 15005. Tel.: 981 26 38 54
Sisargas Bookstore. San Roque, 7
To Coruña 15002. Tel.: 981 20 00 82
Sargadelos. Rúa Real, 53
To Coruña 15003. Tel.: 981 22 26 04
Silvela. Plaza María Pita, 13
To Coruña 15001. Tel.: 981 20 46 85
Central Bookstore. Dolores, 2
Ferrol 15402 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 35 27 19
Central Bookstore. Real, 71
Ferrol 15402 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 35 09 56
Books Canton 4. Canton of Molíns, 4
Ferrol 15402 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 35 08 29
Cornión Bookstore. La Merced, 45
Gijon 33201 (Asturias). Tel.: 985 34 25 07
Official College of Architects of Granada. Library. San Agustín Square, 3
Grenade 18001. Tel.: 958 80 62 62
Babel Bookstore. Saint John of God, 20
Grenade 18001. Tel.: 958 20 12 98
Picasso Bookstore. Bishop Hurtado, 5
Grenade 18002. Tel.: 958 53 69 10
Coop. From Architects Paper Arq. Conde Luna, 4
Lion 24003. Tel.: 987 07 09 35
Souto Bookstore. Plaza Mayor, 14
lugo 27001. Tel.: 982 22 87 11
Trama Bookstore. Av. Da Coruña, 21
lugo 27003. Tel.: 982 25 40 63
Diaz de Santos. Maldonado, 6
Madrid 28006. Tel.: 91 576 73 82
Crisbel Editions. Gaztambide, 26
Madrid 28015. Tel.: 91 543 38 14
Gaudi Bookstore. Argensola, 13
Madrid 28004. Tel.: 91 308 18 29
Mairea Bookstore (COAM). Wafer, 12
Madrid 28003. Tel.: 91 595 15 41
Mairea Bookstore (ETSAM). Avda. Juan Herrera, 4
Madrid 28040. Tel.: 91 549 35 38
Reina Sofía Art Center. Bookshop. Atocha Round, 2
Madrid 28012. Tel.: 91 787 87 85
Naos Librería, SL Quintana, 12
Madrid 28008. Tel.: 91 547 39 16
Architecture and Art Publications. General Rodrigo, 1
Madrid 28003. Tel.: 91 554 61 06
Coop and Paper Cooperative. Palmeras del Limonar, s/n.
Malaga 29006. Tel.: 95 222 02 03
Proteus and Prometheus Bookstore. Buenaventura Square, 3 and 6
Malaga 29008. Tel.: 95 222 34 40
Kathedra University Bookstore. Valle Inclán, 14
Ourense 32004. Tel.: 988 22 44 51
International Bookstore. Captain Eloy, 8
Ourense 32003. Tel.: 988 21 44 38
Tanco Bookstore. Cardinal Quevedo, 22
Ourense 32004. Tel.: 988 23 23 31
Cervantes Bookstore. Doctor Casal, 3-9
Oviedo 33001 (Asturias). Tel.: 98 520 77 61
La Palma Bookstore. Ramon y Cajal, 2
Oviedo 33003 (Asturias). Tel.: 985 21 26 57
El Parnasillo Bookstore. Maya Castle, 45
Pamplona 31003 (Navarra). Tel.: 948 23 72 58
Gómez Técnica Bookstore. Avda. Pío XII, 33-35
Pamplona 31008 (Navarra). Tel.: 948 19 86 62
University Bookstore. New Library Building – Navarra University
Pamplona 31009 (Navarra). Tel.: 948 26 72 25
Julia Fernández Bookstore. Arantey, 10
Salvaterra de Minho 36458 (Pontevedra). Tel.: 986 65 90 82
Hontza Bookstore. Okendo, 4
Saint Sebastian 20004 (Guipúzcoa). Tel.: 943 42 82 89
CGAC Bookstore. Valle Inclan, s/n
Santiago de Compostela 15704 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 54 66 37
You fuck Novas. Montero Ríos, 37
Santiago de Compostela 15704 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 59 44 06
Arctic Kiosk. Rúa do Villar, 49
Santiago de Compostela 15705 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 56 50 69
Found Bookstore. Rúa do Villar, 68
Santiago de Compostela 15705 (A Coruña). Tel.: 981 57 25 47
Guadalquivir Architects Cooperative. Pza. Cristo de Burgos, 35
Seville 41003. Tel.: 95 456 10 31
Reina Mercedes Bookstore. Avda. Reina Mercedes, 17
Seville 41012. Tel.: 95 461 19 36
Arq.Co Cooperative. Hernán Cortés, 19
Valencia 46004. Tel.: 96 352 48 18
Intertechnical Bookstore. Chronicler Carreres, 11
Valencia 46004. Tel.: 96 351 05 90
Official College of Architects Valladolid. Santiago, 9
Valladolid 47001. Tel.: 983 34 48 71
Margin Books. Henry IV, 2
Valladolid 47002. Tel.: 983 21 85 25
Andel. Painter Lugrís, 10
Vigo 36211. Tel.: 986 23 90 00
House of the book. Velázquez Moreno, 27
Vigo 36202 (Pontevedra). Tel.: 986 44 16 79
Librouro. Eduardo Iglesias, 12
Vigo 36202 (Pontevedra). Tel.: 986 22 14 39
Coop. of Architects Papel Arq. Santa Teresa, 10
Zamora 49013. Tel.: 980 67 10 99
The Vegetable Roll Cooperative. Saint Vote, 7
Saragossa 50003. Tel.: 976 39 05 24